Executive Director of Investment Strategy Talks About PivotalPath’s Platform as a “Game-Changer”


Matt Andrulot
Verdence Capital Advisors
Executive director of investment strategy

Matt Andrulot swears by alternative due diligence platform Pivotal Path when it comes to hedge fund research.

‘It’s a solution that is pretty rare out there in the marketplace, and we find it very valuable to use in terms of manager research, due diligence, peer rankings, qualitative metrics and things like that, where we can implement some of our own information in addition to utilizing the system to evaluate managers across a particular universe in the hedge fund space,’ Andrulot said.

He started using the service in 2014. It was a game-changer, because until then Andrulot had been creating his own database of information and statistics for evaluation, which had become a very time-consuming process.



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